Pool Heating Adelaide
There are four basic types of pool heating systems. These are
- Solar
- Gas
- Electric Heat Pumps
- Electric Element
The type of heating you choose will be influenced by the area you live in, where your pool is situated in relation to the property and the time of year you use you pool.
Solar Pool Heating
Solar pool heating is extremely popular because of its obvious advantage in using free energy from the sun.
The water from your pool is circulated through the a series of small bore pipes, which are usually located on a roof. Most modern systems have a digital controller, linked to a thermostat which sends water to the roof whenever there is sufficient sunshine, and providing the pool is below th desired temperature.
As a general rule the collector should be equal to at least 80% of the area of the pool, although 100% coverage would be more typical. When considering solar heating for your pool you need to pay careful attention to the roof area, pitch and the direction it is facing. If you roof is in shade for part of the day this will also impact the effectiveness of your solar pool heating.
Electric Element
Electric element heaters provide a low purchase cost option, which is compact and easily installed. Element heating works in the same way as an electric kettle – there is direct heat transfer between the immersed element and the pool water. The small size of the unit makes it ideal for use where space is at a premium. Element heaters will operate at a slightly higher cost to gas if connection is made to the overnight off peak tariff.
Electric Heat Pump
The electric heat pump is sometimes called a “solar heat pump” because of its unique ability to absorb ambient heat from the air and convert this to water heating. These units are for those pool owners who want to swim most of or, all of the year round.
Gas Heating
Gas heaters are used in large numbers to heat swimming pools and give great flexibility to the pool owner, because of their rapid heating ability and robustness.
Gas heaters can easily maintain any desired water temperature as typical sizing is based on providing heater capacity capable of achieving a 14°C rise in water temperature in 24 hours. This allows a cold pool to be heated to a beautiful 28°C – 30°C in around one day, even in winter. Great for the person who likes to entertain all year round!!